Friendly reminder that Picard is just weeks away from beginning. We haven’t seen any new Peyton footage in any of the new trailers, which is mildly annoying as she was clearly heard and seen in the first promo.
I will link CBS All Access on this post. I will try to update as much as I can, given my computer access is limited still. I will most likely be doing mild caps here in posts and reactions/summaries.
As I apprehensively watched the trailer for Star Trek Picard (and finding it more amazing than I ever thought), a familiar face caught my attention. All I had seen was a glimpse of her profile and I knew it was Peyton and rewound to double check.
She is listed as an unknown Romulan but it has been pointed out, she lacks the Romulan ridge brow, which separates Vulcans from Romulans (amongst other things).
This gives me my greatest wish of having her on Star Trek, so I waited on baited breath to 2020 where it debuts on CBS All Access.
We have news of Peyton’s first appearance on Gotham this season. She can also be spotted in the 5 minute trailer. I will not be capping it as it is only a brief few seconds of her and as stated, my other computer crashed. Still working on how to make do on my current computer.
Gordon and Bullock investigate a location where several kids have
been kidnapped. Barbara proves to be an unlikely ally to Gordon.
Meanwhile, Bruce looks into an alleged witch with healing powers for
Selina, and Nygma deals with demons of his own in the all-new
“Trespassers” episode of GOTHAM airing Thursday, Jan. 10 (8:00-9:00 PM
ET/PT) on FOX. (GTH-502) (TV-14 L, V)
Cast: Ben McKenzie as Detective James Gordon, Donal Logue as
Detective Harvey Bullock, Morena Baccarin as Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Sean
Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth, Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/The
Penguin, Erin Richards as Barbara Kean, David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne,
Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman, Cory Michael Smith
as Edward Nygma/The Riddler, Chris Chalk as Lucius Fox
Guest Cast: Peyton List as Ivy Pepper, Benjamin Snyder as Boy, Alex
Morf as Sykes, David Kallaway as Tank, Will Meyers as Gabriel, Hunter
Jones as Will Thomas
Ivy appears 2:56 into the “movie” trailer for season 5 of Gotham.
I have updated all I have for The Flash section of the Gallery!
That includes:
Behind the Scenes Images
The stills and BTS images are unsorted and are mixed from her appearances (mostly her first and last appearance (this far. I have hopes. Peyton as Lisa is my everything))
(Family of Rogues link won’t show up with the rest so its here: link)
Screencaps and one marked still for the (now) series finale of Colony has been posted.
Unless they release special features, Colony is officially complete.
Which is a shame since Peyton could have been in the next season, had it not been canceled.
It was announced a few days ago that USA would not be picking up the season for a season four. (x)
Here are the stills for tonight’s episode of Colony “Bonzo”. I will be updating the screencaps for Disposable Heroes and Bonzo this weekend and hopefully we will see Peyton/Amy in the finale which airs next week on July 25th.
Maintaining a reliable network and source for the incredible actress Peyton E. List Welcome to a fansite spun from We ♥ Peyton List on Tumblr. Formerly know as, and Fuck Yeah, Peyton List. We're maintaining a reliable network and source for the incredible actress Peyton E. List since 2006.
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