
Now that the winter finale has ended, we were gifted with a snippet of Peyton making her debut as Ivy.

We see her enter an apartment and prowl through her closet, not actually seeing that it’s her but we hear her voice over “You have no idea what’s really going on, Billionaire Boy?” then we see her again, this time she is sitting across from Bruce. He is surprised and realizes the woman in front of him is Ivy. Then she kisses him (which is line crossing given Peyton is in her 30s and the kid playing Bruce is a teenager). Then we hear her say “I’m going to make miracles happen.”

So far that is all we have, I will be screen capping it soon as well as making a Gotham section in the gallery
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PS: Questions, comments or concerns, hit up the twitter account for this site! Thank you!


Peyton has been on the set of Gotham. We have not seen her as of yet but she has been filming, she is probably being hidden away so they can debut her next year. Special shout out to @GothamBatAndCat for posting the video which had been posted on David Mazouz’s Instagram video.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US, sorry the updates have been slow, we are about to fly across country for a funeral.

I hope you understand. I was going to update with an exclusive set tour from @frequency_site but the only way I upload has been removed with the firefox update so I’m going to have to wait. Sorry.

Nevertheless enjoy the day and look for updates soon!


I hope you all are enjoying the site, I am still plugging away, though it may not seem. If you check the Twitter on the sidebar, it will offer all my updates as I work on them, giving you a behind the scenes look and real time updates as I work on them.

Currently I am capping more of As The World Turns and starting the epic work on Frequency.

I have also updated the gif of the week. Sadly the quality isn’t the greatest but you must remember ATWT (at least her era) is harder to find and get so what we have it what we have.

Enjoy and thank you for coming by my humble little site.


It may be a work in progress but its my work in progress and I am happy to share it with you all! Welcome to my humble (and first) fansite!

Shout out to:

Jay, the Saint who has held my hand and helped me through this process.
My husband, who likes Peyton as well, who supports me running this site.
To Lisa, who I’ve not spoken with in a while but who helped start this a long time ago. I hope she appreciates this!
To Zara who is my Sister in Arms about Peyton List fansiting.
To the fans of Peyton, enjoy!


Now that I have completed Flashforward and what I have of As The World Turns, next up will be:

Sex and the City
The Flash
Tomorrow People
(more) As The World Turns

Just a heads up now, the quality is low on some of the caps of As The World Turns but it’s all I have and given her air dates were before the digital streaming days, its all we can hope for.


Last year among most of my heartaches that happened, my computer crashed and I lost most of my work from my older Peyton List site/tumblr. I have just resaved all the images from our old gallery and will be uploading them. They will not be marked, anything new I have done, will be. I have also begun work on screen capping As The World Turns. I have capped the episodes I have and I have more coming.

I also have made minor tweaks to the website itself and have added my affiliates to the sidebar.


I have completed Flashforward’s gallery. It contains all her episodes (do not believe IMDB’s claim she is in every episode, she is not), behind the scenes features, bloopers and stills/promotional images (there may be a couple more promo images I need to tag). But its all done!

I will be working on Frequency and As The World Turns caps next.



Peyton has been cast as Poison Ivy on FOX’s Gotham.

She is the third actress to portray this role and the third DC character she will play (Lucy Lane (Smallville) and Lisa Snart (The Flash).

It is supposed she will begin her role in early 2018.

And here is a little manip I did in excitement!

(x) Source


I have started updating screen caps from Flashforward into the gallery (episodes 1, 4, 6 so far). Due to IMDBs incorrect episode crediting, it makes this process a little harder as she is credited for episodes she does not appear. Thankfully this is one of my favorite series so I don’t mind going through each episode.

I have also created a twitter account to show updates and the behind the scenes of my work on the site.

Thanks so much for reading and enjoy!